Bible Talks
Subjects coming up:
02/03/2025 | Who was Jesus Christ? |
09/03/2025 | The Gospel Preached by the Apostles |
16/03/2025 | The Importance of Baptism |
23/03/2025 | The Return of Jesus |
We promise you a warm and friendly welcome to any of our public meetings. We make no charge and don't take up any collection. We will not pressurise you in any way.
The purpose of this meeting is to present some aspect of the gospel message from the Bible. The format varies from time to time but, generally, is as follows:
Bible Talk Format
- Hymn
- Bible reading
- Prayer
- Bible address by one speaker possibly with powerpoint presentation or other visual aids
- Hymn
- Prayer
The whole service lasts about an hour. The service is led by a president who also does the Bible reading and speaks the prayers on behalf of everyone present. Hymns are sung by the whole congregation at the beginning and end of the meeting. The congregation stands for hymns and prayers. We have hymn books and Bibles available for loan to visitors who need them. The theme of the address varies widely from week to week but it is always firmly based on the Bible. See the 'subjects coming up' section for more details of upcoming talks.
We look forward to welcoming you.